"Reducing the risks of the ownership and use of small and light weapons in the Arab region"

 "Reducing the risks of the ownership and use of small and light weapons in the Arab region", it's a conference financed by the Ministry of foreign affairs office of the Federal Republic Of Germany and the Institute for Foreign l relations that will be held in Broumana, and it was held on December from 13 to15, 2012 at the Printania hotel.

This conference seeks to shed light on the scope and gravity of the problem of the ownership and use of small and light weapons in most Arab countries, namely in Jordan, Iraq, Sudan, Yemen, Tunisia, Syria, Lebanon, Libya and Egypt, as well as the challenges that the civil society and the governments face in order to try to counter this problem and its impact at the different social levels.

Discussions will tackle the legal aspects of this problem from a local and international perspective as well as the role of the civil society and local, regional and international organizations trying to contain this problem.

Furthermore, this conference aims at exposing and exchanging the experiences and expertise in this field, in addition to promoting networking between local, regional and international CSOs as well as the League of Arab States in order to establish a common plan between all of the stakeholders.